Work-Life Balance is a never-ending topic. This is because an approach that is based on Work vs Life has struggle built into it. Our lives are always changing, either due to outside forces, or because we are trying to make our lives better. 

What is missing in most people’s balancing act is Purpose, the WHY which brings these two elements into harmony. Just as a tripod is far more stable than a ladder, our approach of Purpose-Wealth-Happiness Balance will give you a stable platform so that you can enhance each of these areas without bringing down either of the other two.

Trent has been an entrepreneur since he was 8 years old, a start-up coach for almost 20 years, a philanthropist since 2014, and is currently the Lead Philosopher at the Spirit of the Game Foundation, as well as the Managing Director of SotG and the President of 10 Million Discs. 

Drawing on a lifetime of experience traveling to every state in the US and 25 European countries, Trent offers a unique blend of insight and challenging perspectives, enhanced by a global network of well over 4000 personal contacts in 145 countries.



If you are looking for conventional advice on what to do with the rest of your life, how to make more money, or how to be happier, then best to look elsewhere. But if you’re ready to start exploring how to maximize your positive impact on the world, and how to live a balanced, purposeful life, let’s talk.


Sustainability = Do Less Harm
Impact = Do More Good
Creative Impact =
Leveraging an individual or organizations’ unique network, expertise, and passion.


If you come to me with a problem, I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are smart enough to have considered all the obvious answers. So my process focuses more on broad trends and root causes, as well as making sure that you are asking the right questions, and trying to solve the most relevant problem. I also rely on a global network of thousands of professional contacts from all walks of life to either provide inspiration, or to help refine crazy concepts into workable solutions.

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