Even before Covid, more and more discussions were arising around the concept of Work-Life Balance; and a rapid shift to wholesale home office has created many new discussion points.


One of the reasons why this is such a pressing topic and one which the average person continually revisits throughout their career is that a platform with only two legs requires continual adjustments to avoid tipping over one way or the other, or being knocked over sideways by a rapid change in life or society. 


Middle class people in 1st world countries have standards of living which put them in the top 1% of humans throughout history, yet many are still miserable, in a mode where they can’t wait for retirement, yet are terrified they may not have enough saved. And it’s hard to decide what is sadder; spending the best 40 years of your life in jobs you don’t like, or running out of money and dying poor.

But sadder than both is living a life without Purpose. Now Purpose can come in many forms; it’s not just about “making the world a better” place, although that is a key component. We will get into the various forms of Purpose later, but for now I’ll simply introduce the concept of “enlightened self interest” (in order to do the most good, you have to be the best version of yourself, which means taking care of yourself.


But taking care of yourself doesn’t necessarily mean just having fun, being happy, and healthy, and successful. It also means thinking about your future self and how that person might look back at their life after retirement and have regrets that they didn’t use their experience and influence to do more good in the world. 


I’ll help you make your future self a stakeholder in your current decisions, and create a more stable platform for tough decision making.