Creative Solutions provides consulting services for start-ups and businesses of all sizes looking to make dynamic changes in response to changing market conditions, or to expand to new markets.


Our core group of consultants cover a wide range of expertises, and our worldwide network includes almost 5000 professionals in almost every field from almost every major country. 

If we can’t provide you with the help you are looking for ourselves, we can quickly connect you with an expert who can.

Speciality Niches:

Doing business in the US.  Anything from providing copy-writing for your American Business English emails or publications, up to negotiating contracts with partners and distributors. 


Creative problem solving.  We have an entire department dedicated solely to out of the box thinking. If you have a dilemma you can’t find a solution for, we’ll approach it from a fresh angle AND make sure you are asking the right questions and trying to solve the correct problem.


Bonus – As mentioned, we have an extensive network of contacts combined with a team of agile thinkers; so for almost all of our clients we end up providing them with connections and introductions to key individuals and new markets they hadn’t even considered.